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What you say matters. And so does how you say it.
Copywriting is the #1 way to get your clients or customers to buy. Why? Because if you want to convince someone of something… well, news flash, you have to use words.
But not just any words.
To connect with your audience, boost your brand recognition, and ultimately increase your sales, you need to write with a strong brand voice. Here’s how.
When you hear the term “brand voice,” does your brain go a little Michael Scott on you?
Although the concept of brand voice isn’t exactly complex, many creative entrepreneurs have a hard time grasping it — especially when it comes to defining (and using) their own voice.
Essentially, your brand voice is how your message “sounds” to your audience. Much like your speaking voice, your writing voice should be unique to you — distinct enough that those familiar with it could recognize your voice anywhere.
Do you speak fast and loose, like Lorelai Gilmore?
Do you speak slow and steady, like Severus Snape?
Do you use a lot of slang, or toss in some cuss words, or pepper your speech with plenty of exclamation points and question marks?!?!
Your voice should come naturally to you — BUT you can’t just write stream-of-consciousness thoughts and hope they translate to sales.
A strong, impactful brand voice includes four main elements:
For an in-depth look at each of these elements — and dozens of other tips on defining and refining your brand voice — check out the first edition of our digital magazine, The Copy Edit:
As a creative entrepreneur, you probably already understand the importance of branding.
But what you might not realize is that your writing voice is a HUGE part of your brand.
Think of your overall brand like a character — like Barbie, for instance. Her pink clothes, blonde hair, and perfect body are obviously a huge part of her image, but what really makes her personality shine is her cheerful, naive, sugary sweet voice.
It’s why the Barbie movie exploded: it brought a plastic doll to life.
In the same way, your writing voice brings your brand to life.
You could have the most gorgeous logo and photography in the world, and they wouldn’t mean a thing without the message supporting them. Your brand needs context, story, words that resonate with your audience. Otherwise, they have no reason to buy from you.
What’s more, writing with a unique voice makes your brand easy to recognize, like, and trust.
Just like your favorite podcaster, your voice becomes familiar to your audience’s ears. And that makes them more likely to buy.
Whose opinion are you more likely to trust: someone you know, or someone you don’t?
All right, so you’re convinced your creative business needs a clear brand voice.
Now, how do you identify what YOUR voice should sound like?
First, figure out the type of voice you already have. If you stripped away all the visual elements of your brand — the logos, fonts, colors, photos, etc. — how would you describe the writing that’s left?
Read the words aloud. Do you sound distinct, original, compelling?
Would you be able to recognize your own voice? Would your ideal client?
If the answer is no, move on to step #2: defining the brand voice you want to have.
Remember, the best voice is one that comprises not only your own personality and values, but also the needs of your audience and your position in the market.
It’s a tall order, but it’s not as tough to accomplish as it seems. In fact, our free brand voice magazine walks you through it step by step.
You’ll even get a list of 112 different adjectives you can use to describe your ideal brand voice, plus six examples of creative brands that are absolutely nailing their voice.
Once you’ve got the basics covered, it’s time to up your game.
Make sure you’re using your brand voice consistently in ALL your marketing efforts. Not sure how? We’ve compiled a list of 72+ creative ideas to inspire your voice. See how many you’re already doing… and challenge yourself to try at least a few more this week!
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