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As small business owners know, Black Friday is more than a day. It’s a season.
If you’re running a Black Friday / Cyber Monday (BFCM) sale, you’re hoping to sell as much as possible — without fatiguing your audience (or yourself!).
Fortunately, there are several super-simple ways you can boost your BFCM conversions this year.
Have you had your BFCM content queued up for weeks? Orrr are you scrambling to put together some last-minute posts? 😅
Either way, here are nine copywriting tweaks you can make to increase your Black Friday sales in 2024.
No one gives a crap about saving 30% off if the product doesn’t help them solve a problem. Always remind your readers WHY your offer matters.
Assuming it is, of course. Even if you offer the same discount at another point in the year, it’s still technically true — and it will certainly play on people’s FOMO.
There’s no need to market your offer with a “creative” name to help it stand out. Clarity trumps cleverness, especially during BFCM week.
The simple sight of a clock ticking down the seconds is enough to make on-the-fence buyers buy. Add one to your website, emails, Instagram Stories, wherever the functionality allows — and don’t forget supporting copy!
Certain words are proven to trigger a strong psychological reaction in readers, urging them to buy now. Don’t pile them on, but do make use of terms like these when appropriate:
It’s wild how many businesses write “30% OFF” instead of “SAVE 30% OFF.” That one little word can trigger a subconscious desire to buy. Use the word “save” often to boost your Black Friday sales online.
Sitewide sales can be overwhelming for people who don’t know exactly what they want. Pick one product or service to feature, or write a roundup of your “editor’s picks.” People will be inspired to buy specific, popular products.
Now is not the time for subtlety! Make your call to action (CTA) big, bold, and straightforward — not a meek “Learn More,” but a confident “SHOP THE 50% OFF SALE NOW!”
Now more than ever, people’s attention spans are SHORT. Don’t complicate your offer. State it clearly and concisely, and watch the sales pour in.
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